How to store your belongings after a divorce

A divorce or separation can be an incredibly stressful time and can also be mentally and emotionally tiring to those involved. On top of all the legal stuff and other stresses, we often forget about the toll of separating our belongings and property can do.

As the experts in storage, our handy guide will help guide you on how to store your belongings correctly.

For those needing extra space during and after a divorce, you may want to consider using personal storage to help you house your belongings until you get settled.

How to store your belongings after a divorce

How to store your belongings after a divorce

If you’re downsizing your home, having somewhere to store your belongings until everything has been finalised might be a good option. Whether you are looking for storage for a number of weeks, or a few months, or something a little more permanent, Space Station can help.

Looking after collectable items

If you are in possession of paintings, jewellery and other collectable items after your divorce, you may not be in a position to display or use them to start with. With items such as these, it’s important that they are stored correctly, so that they stay in pristine condition.

Our climate-controlled storage units means that you can rest easy knowing your collectable and sentimental items will be properly looked after.

Protecting your furniture

Belongings such as sofas, tables and other large household items can often be large and bulky, and if you currently don’t have room for them, keeping them stored elsewhere may be an easier solution for you. Before storing your furniture elsewhere, you need to make sure that they are as clean as possible. This will help to stop mildew from forming while in storage and also means that when you do come round to using them, no deep cleans will be needed.

Once your furniture items are cleaned, try and wrap them in a protective layer to stop them from getting damaged. For fabric items, wrap them in cloths or dust sheets, and for metal and wood items, protect them with a layer of bubble wrap.

Using external storage

Once the divorce process has been completed, you may find that you currently don’t have the space to house all of your old belongings. Furniture, appliances and other household items can often take up the most room, so you may want to consider storing them elsewhere until you become more settled.

If friends and family are unable to help during this time, there are other alternatives such as self-storage for you to choose from. As a practical and affordable solution, there’s a storage unit for everyone.

Tracey Moloney, director of Tracey Moloney Family Law and @thelegalqueen, explained what Brits should do if they are currently going through a divorce:

When going through a divorce, what is the first thing people should do?
“As early as possible it’s important to hire a solicitor who specialises in divorce and family law. Once one is appointed, you can arrange for a financial order as part of the divorce, this means that if you and your ex-partner are unable to agree on how your assets should be split, a court can make the decision for you.”

What is the best way to split belongings fairly in a divorce?
“Deciding who gets what when you are divorcing can be difficult, but there are ways to make it easier. The sharing principle, which is the starting point for all cases, and helps to split assets equally when a relationship ends. This will differ from one family to the next, depending upon their needs, so seeking advice is the best route to go down.”

How can couples make the split as amicable as possible?
“For most couples going through the divorce process, it can be an incredibly challenging time, especially if both parties aren’t in an amicable position. If table discussions start to breakdown, which inevitably they do, then mediation is a great option to try and facilitate an agreement and allows the couple to stay in control.”

If you’re looking for more information about storing your possessions with Space Station, find out more about our personal storage.