Posted in Business, Self storage, SME

In safe hands

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Business Focus Magazine interview with our CEO Kevin Prince A very informative and in-depth article from the Business Focus Magazine, interviewing our CEO Kevin Prince about Space Station’s history and future growth plans.  Read full interview pdf With huge thanks to the following partners who have helped us on our growth path so far and whom we look forward to working with in the future. KuboidEurope’s premier self storage design & construction company.EDG securityProviding electronic Fire and Security services.3verestManaged cloud for business & healthcare.Templewood recruitmentA leading, independent recruitment consultancy.

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Posted in Decluttering, Home, Organising, Storage, Tidying

Spring cleaning: The ultimate checklist

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Every year, the time comes for you to do your annual spring clean. It’s the perfect opportunity to refresh your home after the winter and transform it into a fresh, relaxing paradise. Knowing the best way to spring clean your house, along with where to start, can be daunting. That’s why our experts have compiled the ultimate spring cleaning checklist, along with some handy storage tips, to help your home look immaculate heading into summer. If you’ve something planned during March, April or May, and need to create extra space, explore our short-term storage plans, as they’re completely tailored to suit your unique requirements. What is a spring clean? A spring clean is just another name for a ‘deep clean’ of your house, but traditionally, because the weather gets warmer during the spring months, it means that windows and doors can be opened, while you’re cleaning, to let in much […]

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Posted in Help Guides, Home

Top tips for saving energy at home

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Saving energy at home is a great way to minimise the carbon footprint of your household, and cut the cost of your utility bills at the same time. With the cost of living on the rise in 2022, more and more UK residents are looking for ways to reduce their energy consumption, keep heat in, and find affordable, sustainable alternatives. Join us as we share our best tips for how to save energy at home in more detail below. 1. Turn things off This may sound like fairly obvious advice, but it’s a valid way to lower your electric bill. As well as switching lights off in rooms you’re not using, the Energy Saving Trust states that you could save up to £55 a year by turning your various household appliances off standby mode. That means flicking off the mains for your TV, microwave and even cooker could make all […]

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Posted in Family, Home, Moving

How to move house with a dog

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So the time has finally come for you and your furry friend to move into a new house, and begin your next big adventure. Not only is this a fresh start, but you can reap all the benefits of your new place, like more garden space, especially if you’re upgrading to a larger home. But before you move into your new abode, it’s important to make sure your pup gets settled in too. Here are a few tips and tricks you can do when moving , so that your dog is comfortable in their new environment. Dog appeasing pheromones Pheromones are chemical signals that dogs release and can function as an ‘invisible communication’. For example, a dog appeasing pheromone is a special type of pheromone that’s secreted by female dogs after they’ve had puppies. This scent is to help their puppies feel safe, secure, and comfortable. When you’re moving into […]

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Posted in Decluttering, Family, Help Guides, Home, Moving, Organising, Storage, Tidying

Expert tips for clearing out sentimental clutter

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In the process of moving homes, living with new people and the general chaos of life, we often lose track of belongings and become swamped in clutter. Seventy per cent of Brits have admitted to keeping hold of belongings they no longer need. Some of the top items Brits hold onto include family photos, books and clothes. Explaining why we keep items, resilience coach and author, Natalie Reed, comments: “The attachment can be as a result of habit- doing what you’ve always done and not questioning whether or not this serves you financially, emotionally or energetically. “You may even be unaware that you are doing it in the same way that you become used to a dog smell around the house or become familiar with your untidiness.” However, the clear-out is usually more challenging than anticipated, especially when those belongings have sentimental values behind them. To help organise your clutter, […]

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Posted in Help Guides

How to preserve furniture in storage

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Whether you’re downsizing, moving abroad for a while or you’ve inherited some furniture you don’t currently have room for, keeping your belongings in a household storage unit is an easy solution. But before you move everything in, there are few things to consider when it comes to preparing your furniture for storage. All our units are humidity-controlled, so you don’t need to worry about dampness, but there’s plenty you can do to ensure your furniture stays in its best condition while you store it. Keep reading for our top tips on how to store furniture. Dissemble whatever you can Taking your furniture apart will not only make it easier to clean, but it’ll also speed up the whole transportation process, as each individual part will be easier to lift. You can go further than simply removing the drawers from dressers too; we recommend physically dissembling any furniture you can. By […]

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Posted in Help Guides

How to organise your storage space to ensure cohabiting harmony?

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One of the main bones of contention after moving in with your partner is often storage space and who gets to use what. Whether it is decided on an even share of the wardrobes or who needs more room in the bathroom cabinet, the dispute over space can lead to arguments and frustration. In fact, our recent study shows more than one in five (22%) couples living under the same roof have arguments over space at least a couple of times a week. With this in mind, we’ve teamed up with Marie Kondo home organisation expert, Sue Spencer, to reveal some simple tips for organising some of those key storage areas and avoiding these common disputes. Wardrobes You simply never seem to have enough wardrobe space and deciding who needs more room between you and your partner can be a difficult process. For that reason, Sue recommends a full audit […]

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Posted in Help Guides

Ten ways to increase the value of your property

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The valuation of a property is a key moment for people putting their house on the market, so it’s only natural for owners to explore different ways of increasing the asking price when putting their home up for sale. Below, we’ve listed ten things a homeowner can do on a variety of budgets to increase the value of their property and make it more appealing to prospective buyers. 1. Create an open plan living area An open plan living area can create a lot more space and light in a property than enclosed rooms and it is also much more practical for day to day living. Remember to ensure that you make a thorough assessment before knocking anything down to ensure that you are not removing a supporting wall. Knocking down a supporting wall can be disastrous for the house and could result in thousands of pounds worth of damage. […]

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Posted in Help Guides

Storage tips for keeping your nursery items in prime condition

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Welcoming a baby into the world is a huge change for any family and quickly changes the dynamic of your everyday life as well as the layout of your home. Babies grow quickly out of clothes, become too big for toys, prams and cots, which means you’re regularly buying new items to fit, amassing a growing collection of unused items which take up valuable space at home. In fact, UK parents’ desire for more space is widespread, with our recent study revealing that 74% admit they feel they need more space after having children1. British parents also feel like they have completely outgrown their home by the time their child turns five, on average, whilst 31% feel the same by the time their child turns just two years old. In order to help parents keep their nurseries or baby rooms from becoming cluttered, we’ve put together some tips on how […]

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Posted in Self storage

Showcase your quirky pet spaces for the chance to win a fantastic prize

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We’re calling on all pet owners to showcase their creative flair and share some photos of how they have converted their unused space at home into a quirky living area for their pet. Be that a comfy sleeping area for your dog under the stairs or an entire spare bedroom decked out for your cats, we’re interested to see the best waysnpet owners have adapted even the smallest spaces at home specifically for the use of their furry friends. By entering our competition, you’ll be in with a chance of winning a £100 Love2Shop voucher, which will be perfect for spoiling you and your pets. To enter the competition, please submit your best photo by using the link below, good luck!

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Posted in Self storage

How the cost of upsizing varies across the UK

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All of us spent more time than ever in our homes during the various lockdowns, which has made many people realise they’ve outgrown their space and it’s time to start looking into upgrading to a larger property. With home working set to become a main stay for many even post-pandemic, additional bedrooms that can be used as home offices are in demand. Of course, investing to gain an extra bedroom varies in price depending on where in the UK you live, and our recent study revealed that the most expensive place to do this was Poole, with an eye-watering average cost of £517,818. By contrast, Stoke-on-Trent in Staffordshire is the cheapest place to scale up, costing just £37,768, which is nearly 14 times cheaper than Poole. The ten most expensive places to upscale across the UK are: The ten cheapest places to upscale across the UK are: Unsurprisingly, London is […]

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Posted in Self storage

Creating ample storage space in a small apartment

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Living in an apartment or studio flat has its pros and cons, often providing the ideal location for a busy lifestyle working in the city, but sometimes leaving you bursting out of wardrobes and drawers fighting for space. It is very easy to feel cramped in a one bed apartment packed with your belongings, especially if you’re building up furniture ready for to buy your first home, and so it is important to be clever and organised when trying to free up space with limited storage. There are many easy and cost-effective solutions you can put in place within your flat to really make the most of the space you have available. So, whether it’s freeing up space to make your living areas more comfortable, or finding a way to store furniture your building up ready for your first home, our experts have shared their top tips below: 1.Install coat […]

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Posted in Self storage

How much space is available in UK homes?

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When it comes to our homes, having the right amount of space allows us to create comfortable and practical living areas, but not all homes are made equal. It may be no secret that Londoners, for example, have been priced out of buying larger homes, but how do UK homes shape up across other regions? We wanted to find out just that. We’ve analysed almost 4,000 data points from 650 live property ads across the country, in order to share exactly what you can expect to buy in each UK region based on the UK’s average house price. We’ve also taken a look at Britain’s five largest housebuilders to get data on new builds, so we can also uncover trends in this market and get a view of what future homes may look like. Our findings reveal some interesting trends, so whether you’re on the hunt for more built-in storage, […]

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Posted in Self storage

Flexible living and working space: A guide

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Around 18.5 million people in the UK are currently working from home and with schools, colleges and universities up and down the country closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, British homes are now housing nurseries, classrooms, home offices and gyms. Spare bedrooms and dining tables have been transformed into makeshift offices and classrooms, and living rooms are quickly becoming the go-to space for a workout. As a result, homes are becoming cluttered and untidy. Research has found that clutter has a negative impact on mental health and wellbeing, with 54% of Brits admitting that clutter impacts their stress levels. We have looked into how to keep our homes as functional as possible whilst adapting to living in lockdown and minimising the clutter. Here are our top tips for creating a flexi-home during lockdown: 1. Identify your boundaries You will want to create a separate space for both working, teaching and […]

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Posted in Self storage

Declutter your wardrobe in 5 simple steps

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Struggling to squeeze new items into your wardrobe? It sounds like you need to declutter. Say goodbye to that holey t-shirt you’ve been clinging onto for years, whittle down your huge collection of jeans and start organising your items to make outfit planning easier than ever before. Discover how to declutter your wardrobe like a pro in just five easy steps today with Space Station. 1. Donate, sell or recycle unwanted items The aim of decluttering is to ensure every item in your wardrobe has a purpose. So, before you make a start on organising your clothing, your first step should be focused around identifying unwanted items that are currently taking up precious retail space in your wardrobe. Depending on just how much you own – and when you last had a clear out – this step might take a while (but it’s worth it, trust us). Leave the items […]

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Posted in Self storage

7 Ways to Make A Small Home Feel Bigger

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Whether you live in a cosy studio flat by yourself, or a modest two bedroom apartment with a friend, it’s easy to feel a little claustrophobic when you start to run out of storage space. From de-cluttering your living room to decorating more strategically, there are plenty of ways to make a small home feel more spacious – keep reading for some of our top tips below. 1. White walls for an airy feel If you don’t mind picking up a paintbrush, this is a quick and affordable fix. Bold walls can look super stylish in a big room, but dark colours generally absorb light, making the space feel smaller. Stick to light and airy hues like white, magnolia or duck egg blue, and you’ll find that your space feels more expansive straight away. Still keen to incorporate a darker colour? Choose a specific alcove in your home to paint […]

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Posted in Help Guides, Home, Organising, Tidying

6 clever shed organisation and storage ideas

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Garden sheds are great places to store all sorts of tools and equipment. However, making sure we’re effectively maintaining our sheds can occasionally fall to the wayside. Thankfully though, our storage experts have put their heads together and come up with six clever shed storage ideas to help you get your outdoor space decluttered and organised. If you realise your shed is a bit too small, take a look at our bespoke long-term storage options, which provide just the right amount of space you need. 1. Have a proper clear-out Sheds are usually prone to becoming cluttered with gardening equipment, paints, tools, and household items you can’t quite fit in your home. Before you can start to effectively organise your shed, you need to have an extensive clear-out. The best way to do this is very similar to dealing with your sentimental clutter; pull everything you’ve got out of your […]

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Posted in Self storage

What to do with your old furniture

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Whether you’re moving house, redesigning your home’s interior or just having a big clear out, it can be tricky to know what to do with old or unused furniture. There are plenty of ways to dispose of your furniture entirely, but there are also lots of things you can do to give it a new lease of life, like upcycling and donating. Explore our top tips below for more inspiration on what to do with your old furniture. 1. Sell it This could be as simple as driving your furniture round to your local second-hand furniture shop and asking them for a quote, but if your furniture is from a prestigious designer or era, you might also look into selling it to an antique store, or at auction. There’s also a multitude of ways you could sell your furniture online, using marketplaces like eBay and Facebook. If your furniture is […]

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Posted in Self storage

How to Feng Shui your home to bring about peace during lockdown

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As homes take on the role of school and office and with more than one in four now working from home (26%) a quarter of Brits (24%) have admitted their relationships are becoming more strained as a result of the lockdown. However, with the search term ‘how to Feng Shui home’ seeing an 80% increase between February and March 2020, it seems people are looking for ways to restore the peace and calm into their homes. With this in mind, here are some tips on how to easily feng shui your home on a budget. 1. Start with the hallway The practice of Feng Shui originates from Ancient China and uses energy to harmonize individuals with their surroundings. Feng Shui experts suggest starting with your hallway, as this symbolises the entrance to your sanctuary. Create a calm atmosphere by keeping your entrance free from clutter and any extra coats, scarves […]

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Posted in Self storage

Space Station – How to Prepare Your Home for a New Baby

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In the last few months of pregnancy, the urge to nest is stronger than ever, and with your due date coming up, it’s important that you feel like your home is ready for a newborn. First on the list is the nursery, but once this is finished you can start to make the rest of your home baby-friendly. From stocking up on the basics to scheduling family visits, there are plenty of ways you can make life as easy as possible for yourself in those first few weeks of chaos. Do a deep clean You probably won’t have the energy to do much when you first bring your baby home, so it’s worth giving the whole house a proper clean while you can. Pay extra attention to any parts of the house where there’s the potential for harmful bacteria to grow, like the kitchen and bathroom. Risk-assess your home While […]

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Posted in Self storage

Space Station – 10 Top Tips to add value to your home

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Whether you’re looking to sell your home in the near future, or you just want to make the most of it, there are plenty of ways to spruce up your property, however big or small. Below, we’ll take you through our top ten tips for adding value to your home – some of these ideas might involve significant renovations, but others could easily be done on a small budget, so there’s something for everyone. 1. Refresh the exterior Upping the kerb appeal of your property can do a great deal to add value. By taking small measures like repainting your front door, repairing broken fencing, fixing any glaring problems with the roof and adding a house number, you’ll ensure your home makes a good first impression. 2. Upgrade your windows Investing in double glazing for your property will not only make your home more thermally efficient, but also modernise the […]

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Posted in Self storage

Revealed: Storage hacks you NEED to know in 2020

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We have been searching high and low and exploring the internet to find storage hacks and short term storage ideas that everyone needs to know about. From viral news articles, to Facebook posts, to Pinterest boards, we have revealed the viral tips that Brits simply can’t get enough of. Some have even been described as “life-changing” and “genius” and these hacks are likely to excite organisation fanatics across the UK and may even convert the messiest and most cluttered Brits to self-confessed storage lovers. Plastic Bags One mum revealed her genius hack for storing her endless supply of plastic bags neatly by impressively folding them into a triangle and putting them into a basket, which takes up a lot less space in the house. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Mrs D’s Cleaning Reviews ( Bras To keep the ‘cup’ shape of a bra and ensure it […]

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Posted in Self storage

How to ensure your picture-perfect memories last a lifetime

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Parents love to keep special keepsakes from their children’s early years. But how can you ensure that the memories you capture are available for you to enjoy for years to come? Here are our top tips for protecting your collection of photographs, whether physical or digital. Photographs Though the world has largely ‘gone digital’ since the turn of the century, many parents still like to take snaps using Polaroid cameras – or hire a professional photographer to capture a special occasion. To stop your most cherished photographs from fading, invest in a high-quality album that protects the pictures from dust and direct sunlight. It’s best to use albums that contain acid-free archival paper and ensure that your collection is stored at room temperature, so not in a loft or garage. Digital Photographs Digital photography allows you to store images without taking up physical space, but it’s still possible to lose […]

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Posted in Self storage

Storage options when moving abroad

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Making the leap and moving abroad can be such an exciting time – but often, many migrators can get a little stressed when it comes to thinking about the logistics of the move. If you’re wondering what to do with your current possessions when you move overseas, don’t worry. We’ve put together this short guide to help point you in the right direction when it comes to storage options for moving abroad. Deciding what to bring along – and what to leave behind When moving abroad, usually less is more. It’s often cost effective to get rid of, or store, non-essential or cheaper items and avoid the expense and effort of taking it overseas with you. It’s best to start by thinking about your new home, plan out where your furniture will be, and consider functionality. Think about whether or not you will have the same rooms, garden and storage […]

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Posted in Decluttering, Help Guides, Self storage, Tidying

How to store a wedding dress

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The big day is over, you’re back from your honeymoon and you’ve finally opened all your gifts. Now it’s time to decide what you’re going to do with your wedding dress. If you want to keep your marital gown and haven’t got space to store it at home, putting your nuptial dress into long-term storage is an effective solution. Before you do this though, there’s several factors you need to consider so your gown doesn’t get damaged. Our experts are here to share detailed steps on how to store your wedding dress and make sure it’s fully preserved inside your storage unit. If you’re feeling slightly wary about the safety of your dress once in long-term storage, you don’t need to worry. Take a look at our bespoke storage insurance options, which’ll give you added peace of mind. Preserving your wedding dress for storage The first thing you must do […]

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Posted in Self storage

How to resolve financial issues after a breakup

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Going through a breakup can be a difficult time, both financially and emotionally. As well as having to deal with the end of a relationship, many Brits are also left with financial problems as a result. We recently conducted research to find out how many broken-hearted Brits are facing financial issues after a split with an ex-partner, and what costs are affecting them the most. Our research found that more than three-quarters of Brits who have experienced the end of a serious relationship have had to pay up to £5,000 in moving out costs and early exit fees from contracts. Our research found that the top costs the nation have had to pay after a breakup involve moving costs, such as renting a van to help move. The second highest payment Brits have been left with is the remaining monthly rent costs – something that can prove very expensive if […]

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Posted in Self storage

Take our ‘Keep Food Fresh Quiz’

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With the UK throwing away seven billion tonnes of food annually – an average of around £470 per household – it’s clear that we could all do with a bit of education when it comes to storing food safely. It’s estimated that half of the £13 billion cost of food waste could be saved if the public were given more information about storing food safely. With that in mind, here are some of our top tips to help you keep your food fresher for longer. You can take our quiz at the bottom to see how much you remembered! Fruit and vegetables Keeping fruits and vegetables stored too closely together is a common mistake that can lead to food going bad. Build-up of the chemical compound ethylene will cause them to go off, so apples, melons, apricots, bananas, tomatoes, avocados, peaches, pears, nectarines, plums, figs, and other fruits and vegetables […]

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Posted in Self storage

How to store red wine

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Red wine is produced, consumed and enjoyed across the world, and is loved for its ability to be drank alongside a meal, or simply by itself. Red wine is known for its ability to age well. However, it’s a common misconception that all wines improve from aging, or that an old wine indicates a good wine, as this is not always true. The aging process changes wine, and not all wines benefit from these changes. Generally, cheaper wines do not benefit from aging, and taste better when they’re consumed at the time of purchasing. The following is a rough guide for aging some of the most popular types of wine, but the vintage, region and winemaking style can all affect the aging process. Bordeaux (8-25 years) Cabernet Sauvignon (4-20 years) Merlot: (2-10 years) Pinot Noir (2-8 years) Zinfandel (2-6 years) So once you’ve selected your favourite wine, how can you […]

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Posted in Self storage

How to build the ultimate cardboard fort

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Here at Space Station, we understand that school holidays can be an expensive time. With parents spending an average of £300* per school holiday on taking their children out for activities such as the cinema, bowling or play centres, the costs can really add up. So, to make it a little easier on the purse strings for parents this summer, we have created a guide on how to build the ULTIMATE cardboard fort! Not only is it a low-cost activity, but it also helps you bond further with your children, as well as develop their team-building skills and imagination. All you will need to create your ultimate cardboard castle is a few household supplies, and lots of creativity! To watch us create our cardboard fort, please view the video below: Play Download a printable version of our instructions: How to build the Ultimate Cardboard Fort pdf (1553 KB) Instructions What […]

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Posted in Self storage

Household items dirtier than your toilet

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Here at Space Station, we know the importance of a clean, tidy living space – but just how sanitary are our homes? We conducted a study that revealed the cleaning habits (or lack thereof) of UK students. The study involved swabbing an all-male and all-female student accommodation to find the areas in the home with the most bacteria, fungi and yeast lurking. The swabs were compared against each other for their levels of infection, comparing bacteria, fungi and yeast in the test items. You may not want to read this while eating your lunch – as we found that a chopping board and fridge were a staggering four times dirtier than a toilet! Results The male toilet was found to be the most riddled with bacteria, with an infection level of 250 – which is the highest level of infection the swabbing kit was able to indicate. The female toilet, […]

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