Posted in Self storage

Keep, sell or give away: what can you donate to charity?

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CDs you’ve kept from your childhood. Clothes you’ve outgrown. Books collecting dust. Over the years, it’s easy for your belongings to accumulate and take up precious space – but if you’re moving house or need to create more room, they can quickly start to get in the way. Whether you want to declutter clothes, cushions or CDs, there’s plenty of charities in need. If you’re not ready to part with your possessions just yet, you could consider a storage unit. Available across the UK, our local storage units can be rented on both a short and long-term basis. What will charity shops take? Clothing Shirts you never wear, jackets that don’t fit anymore, and hoodies you’ve moved on from are all perfect items to donate to charities and a great way to clear out your wardrobe. Make sure any clothing you pass on has been cleaned and is in good […]

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Posted in Family, Home, Self storage

12 tips for moving out of your parents’ house

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Moving house is an exciting time, but if you’re new to the process, it can feel overwhelming. Half of all young people are now moving out of their family home by the time they’re 24, making settling into your own house a milestone for many of us. If you’re heading to university, moving into a flat share or you’re buying a new property, our experts can help you plan exactly how to move out of your parents’ house, so you can enjoy your new place worry-free. If you’re looking for some extra space while you get settled in, our flexible short-term storage units are available in whatever size you need them. How to move out of your parents’ home Talk to your parents Work out your finances Narrow down your preferred area Gather your packing materials Get started with your packing Rope in help for moving day Think about what […]

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Posted in Self storage

How to store your belongings after a divorce

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A divorce or separation can be an incredibly stressful time and can also be mentally and emotionally tiring to those involved. On top of all the legal stuff and other stresses, we often forget about the toll of separating our belongings and property can do. As the experts in storage, our handy guide will help guide you on how to store your belongings correctly. For those needing extra space during and after a divorce, you may want to consider using personal storage to help you house your belongings until you get settled. How to store your belongings after a divorce If you’re downsizing your home, having somewhere to store your belongings until everything has been finalised might be a good option. Whether you are looking for storage for a number of weeks, or a few months, or something a little more permanent, Space Station can help. Looking after collectible items […]

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Posted in Self storage

Storage box size guide

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Useful for everything from moving house to creating space in your loft, choosing the right box size can make storing your belongings much easier. We stock a range of boxes, packing tape and furniture covers at each of our storage facilities across the UK. Browse our box shop to find the packing supplies you need. Our box size chart As well as the size, consider how sturdy and reinforced your box is. If you’ve got a lot of heavy items to move, or you’re going to be stacking your belongings in storage, reinforced packing materials will suit you best. Box type Dimensions Useful for Price Medium 46 x 33 x 33cm Books and heavy home accessories £5.00 Large 45 x 45 x 50 cm Kitchen equipment, shoes and lighter home accessories £6.00 Extra large 45 x 45 x 75cm Furniture accessories, bedding, large household items £7.50 Archive 38 x 26 […]

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Posted in Decluttering, Help Guides, Organising, Self storage, Tidying

Five easy tips to tidy your room effectively

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As well as making your space feel more fresh, a clean and tidy room can have a positive impact on your health, too. You’re more likely to get a good sleep, feel less stressed and procrastinate less within a clutter-free bedroom, as well as feeling less overwhelmed. From tips for a quick blitz to instructions for a deeper clean, our guide will help your room look spick and span in no time. If your space needs decluttering as well as a deep clean, you could consider a storage unit for some extra breathing space. Browse our short-term storage and long-term storage options to find your local Space Station unit. Step-by-step guide to cleaning your room Prepare your equipment Get in the right mindset Make your bed Take out the bins Make sure everything’s put away Give your surfaces a quick wipe down Hoover your floors Wash your sheets Clean your […]

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Posted in Self storage

8 Steps to Clearing an Overgrown Garden

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Overgrown gardens can often feel like a mammoth task to tackle, but if you have the right tools to hand, you can create a garden haven, ready to enjoy all year round. Before you begin, make sure you have the tools needed to take on your overgrown garden. Alongside household cleaning products, investing in essentials like gardening gloves, secateurs, trowel and lawn mower can make keeping on top of your garden maintenance much simpler. If you’re looking for extra space to store your garden furniture and tools seasonally, you could consider short-term storage, leaving room in your garden shed for other essential items. How can you tackle an overgrown garden? Map out your plan before you begin Clean up any rubbish Mow your lawn Prune your shrubs and trees Pull out weeds at the root Deep clean your patio Clear out your shed Freshen up your garden furniture 1. Map […]

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Posted in Self storage

How to move a washing machine

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If you’re in the process of moving house or you’re looking to replace your existing washing machine, learning how to move a washing machine could save you a headache on moving day. Manoeuvring heavy appliances needs to be done carefully to avoid any injuries to you, or damage to the machine; our Health and Safety Manager, David Smedley, is here to offer his expert advice on moving heavy objects safely. If you don’t feel confident moving such a heavy item, you could consider hiring moving experts who can be on hand during the whole process, to help ease some of the moving-home stresses. Our free removals service is a great option for those putting items in storage and looking for a helping hand with the moving process. What tools or equipment will I need? Old towels: useful for everything from cleaning the area to providing extra padding during the journey […]

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Posted in Self storage

How to organise paperwork at home

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We all know paperwork can mount up quickly, and it can often feel overwhelming. Even if you’re on top of things, files can still take up a lot of space, especially if you run your own business from home or in a small office room. If you’re guilty of stacks of paper or overflowing box files cluttering up your home, a well-organised filing system could help save you some space, and make sure everything you need is in easy reach. Our experts are here to help you learn how to organise your paperwork at home, for good. For more secure storage solutions, you may want to consider long term storage to keep your files safe and sound. What kind of paperwork do you need to keep safe? There’s no point in storing your weekly shop receipts, but legal paperwork or bigger purchases that come with a longer warranty should be […]

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Posted in Self storage

Packing tips for moving house

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With the average UK household owning £35,000* worth of contents within their home, it’s no wonder moving house is one of life’s most stressful events. But when it comes to getting ready for a move, what’s the best way to pack? To help you out, we’ve put together a few tried-and-tested moving tips to help save you time, money and stress during this transition. If you’re in need of extra space while you get settled into your new home, our flexible short-term storage plans are there to help. 1. Take an inventory Before you even start to think about putting things into boxes, make a list of the belongings you’re taking with you, as well as anything you’re giving away. This will make it easier to track and keep on top of items during your move. 2. Keep costs down with materials you already have To keep packing material costs […]

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Posted in Self storage

How to Pack Glasses for Moving House

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Whether you’re moving to a new home or packing up your storage unit, it’s important to carefully pack your belongings, especially when it comes to more fragile items. Our experts are here to help you prep and pack your glasses for moving, so that they’ll last the journey with no breakages in sight. If you’re looking for short-term storage to help remove the stress of moving home, our handy storage units are the perfect short-term solution. You will need… Cell boxes or supermarket wine cases are the best choice for transporting your glasses safely. If you have the right packing materials to hand, you can use regular cardboard boxes, too. You can find all your must-have packing materials onsite at your nearest Space Station unit. How to pack your glasses for moving: step by step 1. Prepare your cardboard boxes Take a cardboard box and place a layer of crumbled […]

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Posted in Self storage

How to store your belongings for long term travel

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When it comes to long-term travel, knowing what to do with your belongings while you’re away can be a struggle all too familiar for many of us. Without proper preparation, an unoccupied home can be the cause of stress. To help you out, our team of experts have put together a quick guide on how to manage your belongings before you depart. 1. Clothes “If your clothes are hung in a wardrobe, be mindful that these may get fusty and malodorous while you’re away, so you should try to store them in an airtight container. Once transported to the container, make sure you roll your clothes, instead of folding them, as this can prevent harsh creases forming while you’re away.  Also consider moving your clothes away from any bright light, as this can cause some garments to fade faster.” 2. Furniture “For furniture, it’s important that each item is wrapped […]

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Posted in Self storage

5 Ways to Refresh Your Home in a Weekend

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When it comes to revitalising your space, its commonly thought that lots of time, money and resources must be set aside. However, this is not always the case, and with careful planning and focused efforts, you can achieve a thorough transformation in no time at all. Whether you’re looking to introduce some order within your home, or simply craving a change, Vlatka Lake, our storage expert, shares her five impactful ways to refresh your home in just one weekend. If you’re tight on space, you may want to get your furniture out of the way before you start decorating, so you may want to browse our short-term storage options. 1. Declutter and Organise “If you’re stuck on how to revamp your living space, a great place to start is by decluttering each room. Clear out any unnecessary items to create a clean slate and sense of order. Invest time in […]

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Posted in Self storage

Preparing for Christmas: storage and cleaning tips

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With the festive season fast approaching, ensuring your home is clutter-free will help you welcome your loved ones with space to spare. Having guests to stay for the holidays is a festive tradition – and while it’s great to share food, drinks, company and gifts with your nearest and dearest, they all need space to stay. Our handy Christmas storage and cleaning tips will help you get prepared ahead of the big day. To keep your Christmas decorations safe and sound all year round, you could consider a flexible long-term storage unit, so you have more space for other household essentials. Christmas storage ideas Out with the old, in with the new Christmas is as good a time as any for a clear-out. If you have little ones at home, you may be anticipating the amount of new toys, games and clothes waiting for them under the tree this year. […]

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Posted in Self storage

Your guide to hassle-free travel packing

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Boarding a plane to your dream holiday destination can often come with a catch: making sure you’ve packed everything first. Smart packing for your holiday means you can make the most of all your clothes and accessories – along with room to spare for any souvenirs you pick up along the way. Our team of experts have lined up their top tips for travel packing, whether you’re jetting off for a week or for a year. Before you pick up your passport, make sure your belongings are safe and sound at home. If you’re looking for somewhere to securely store your bits and bobs while you’re away, try our travel storage options, designed for flexibility if you decide to extend your time away. Packing advice from our experts: the essentials Plan ahead Allow plenty of time to prepare for your holiday. Make a travel packing checklist of essentials well before […]

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Posted in Self storage

Parents reveal the WEIRDEST places to hide your kids Christmas presents

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With 92% of Brits celebrating Christmas last year , the festive period is an important time for parents as they strive to keep the magic alive for their children. We surveyed UK parents to find the weirdest places they use to hide their children’s Christmas presents, with one in 14 admitting to using the freezer as a hiding spot.   To help give you inspiration, Vlatka Lake, our storage expert shares her top eight Christmas hiding places. Number one: Kitchen cupboards “Kitchen cupboards are a perfect hiding spot for families with small children who are unable to reach those high cupboards. Wrap your presents and hide them at the back of the shelf to keep prying eyes away.” Number two: In a suitcase “Most homes will have a suitcase lying around for the holidays, so why not use them for storing presents while they’re not in use. Add your Christmas […]

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Posted in Self storage

8 pet storage tips to maximise your space 

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As a nation of pet lovers, 53% of Brits now own a pet [1] and while living in harmony with your pet can be easy, an essential aspect to happy living is ensuring they have the space they need around your home.   Our research found that house rabbits are the most space-demanding pets in the UK, requiring 60 square meters on average over the course of their lives. The top five pets who take up the most space in the home (sq./m):  Our in-house storage expert at Space Station, Vlatka, has shared eight pet storage hacks to help you maximise your home for you and your pets. Tip one: Use wall-mounted storage  “If your home is tight on space, opt for wall-mounted storage such as shelves, hooks or even pegboards which can be an affordable storage option. We often forget about using wall space for storage, but it’s a […]

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Posted in Self storage

Heavy lifting guide: moving furniture and heavy items safely

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Whether you’ve just got the keys to your new house or you’re downsizing with the help of a storage unit, moving heavy furniture is often a sticking point on moving day. Manoeuvring bulky beds, wardrobes and white goods is often easier said than done: it’s important to go about heavy lifting carefully, to avoid any injuries or damage to your furniture. Our team’s tips are designed to help your belongings reach their new home safe and sound. To avoid any extra hassle when you’re moving house, you could consider a flexible storage unit to hold your furniture while you get settled in. Let our team do the heavy lifting while you move. Why is careful heavy lifting so important? If you don’t lift and load the right way, then all sorts of problems can occur from placing extra stress on your back. According to BUPA, 2/3s of Brits will experience […]

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Posted in Decluttering, Help Guides, Self storage

8 easy storage hacks to increase floorspace

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With UK house prices dropping, homeowners now more than ever are looking to make the most out of floorspace. To help those looking to get the most space for their money, we recently analysed data from HM Land Registry and the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities, to find out the most and least expensive floorspace of properties across the country. If you’re looking for a more long-term solution while you declutter your home, our UK-wide long-term storage units are available with no contract needed.

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Posted in Help Guides, Organising, Self storage, Storage, Tidying

Five festival essentials 

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The growing popularity of festivals means you can find one that caters to every hobby, including music, food and books.Whether you are attending your first festival or you’re a seasoned festivalgoer, knowing exactly what festival essentials to pack for the day or weekend can be overwhelming, regardless of how much experience you may have.   From choosing the right bag for your festival needs to packing the essentials as efficiently as possible, a definitive plan before you go can make or break your festival experience.   If you are limited on storage space and looking for a safe home for your festival gear, our short-term storage plans are secure and easily accessible, for when you need to get your hands on your festival kit again.  1: Choose the right bag  The perfect festival bag will be different depending on the length of time you are going for. No matter the time […]

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Posted in Business, Self storage

Benefits of business and commercial storage

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Does your business need space to expand, but relocating seems unappealing? Do you need more space in your office for a new employee or a new distribution point for your sales team? If your company’s ready to grow, then it’s time to rethink your storage planning. Whether you need to match an influx of documents or store business inventory, tools, and equipment, commercial business storage is the solution. Cost-effective and secure self-storage facilities come with many advantages that alleviate stress and help you focus on your business’s principal goals. Renting commercial storage is the solution for businesses that want to be efficient in 2022. Is renting commercial space what your business needs right now? Small businesses can always use more space. If you are currently short on storage space but have a large number of objects, products, or equipment to store, renting self-storage is the answer, especially for: What can […]

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Posted in Decluttering, Family, Organising, Self storage, Tidying

10 fun LEGO® storage ideas

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LEGO® is loved by people all over the world. From small LEGO® bricks do big models grow, and much like books and shoes, what may start out as a few favourite sets can rapidly grow into a huge collection, limiting the amount of space within your home. That’s why we’re here to share 10 LEGO® storage ideas that’ll create extra space, keep your LEGO® bricks in excellent condition and allow you to present your LEGO® creations with pride. If you choose to put your LEGO® collection into long-term or short-term storage, you can order some of our packing supplies to ensure all your LEGO® sets are safely packed up while they’re stored by us. 1. LEGO® storage buckets Buckets are an effective idea for storing your LEGO®. Because of their handles, buckets are great for easily moving your LEGO® bricks from room to room; you can even label each bucket […]

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Posted in Self storage

How to transport a mattress

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Keeping all your belongings and furniture safe when moving house is important. When it comes to your bed, not only do you need to think about how to move your bedframe, but also your mattress. In this step-by-step guide, we will explain how to transport a mattress successfully and ways you can protect the mattress in storage, so it stays clean and hygienic. To help reduce the stress you may encounter when moving house, have a look at our moving house storage plans. They can be tailored around your needs and keep your personal items safe while you are transitioning between homes. 1. Get someone to help you Moving a mattress is not the sort of thing you should be doing on your own, because they’re often large and heavy. With another set of eyes, you are less likely to injure yourself or cause an accident to others. 2. Measure […]

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Posted in Self storage

11 clever shoe storage ideas

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If you are fanatical about high heels or need space for your family’s range of trainers, effective shoe storage can drastically transform your home. No longer tripping you up in the hallway or taking up vital space in your bedroom, our guide puts the spotlight on 11 clever shoe storage solutions you can implement around your house. But if after making additional space you find that you still need more shoe storage, have a look at our personal storage plans, which can help you find an ideal plan for your needs. 1. An ottoman A comfortable footrest on the outside with an effective storage space on the inside, an ottoman is a creative shoe storage idea that is extremely versatile. From slippers and trainers to even your favourite everyday heels, storing your shoes in an ottoman keeps them organised, without disrupting the layout of your room. 2. Under the bed […]

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Posted in Self storage

10 creative and long-term book storage ideas

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Nearly everyone has books of some kind or another. Whether they are a few of the kids’ favourite story books, or a vast collection of hardback novels, books can take up quite a bit of space around your home. While traditional bookshelves are great, there are plenty of other creative ways to store your books, which can also help them become a long-term feature of your home. To help you get some inspiration, we’ve compiled a list of creative book shelving ideas that are sure to transform your home. And if you still struggling to find space for all your books, check out our short and long term storage options, which can be tailored to your own needs. 1. Under a staircase In keeping with Harry Potter living under the Dursley family staircase, putting books under the stairs is a convenient storage location. This also protects them from sunlight damage, […]

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Posted in Self storageTagged , , ,

How to deal with moving-house stress and anxiety

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Moving house can be one of the most stressful periods in a person’s life. Packing up, sorting bills and securing a new home is no small task, and it could even have an impact on your mental health.

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Posted in Self storageTagged , , ,

Tips for storing clothes short and long-term

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You might be going travelling, rotating your wardrobe for the new season, or storing clothes because you’re relocating long-term – perhaps you even have some unique or expensive pieces that you want to keep in mint condition – but whatever the reason, you must know how to store clothes properly if they’ll be packed away for any period of time.

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Posted in Self storage

DIY: End of tenancy clean

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You’ve finally reached the end of your tenancy and now you’re ready to make a fresh start in your new home. But before you do, an end of tenancy clean looms. We’ll take you through exactly how to do an end of tenancy clean and show you some life hacks along the way, so that you get your deposit back without any problems.

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Posted in Self storage

Space Station – 7 bike storage solutions

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Cycling regularly provides you with an abundance of health benefits, from strengthening your heart muscles to reducing blood fat levels. However, when it comes to storing bikes, it can be difficult to know where to start – especially if you have an entire family of bike enthusiasts. In this guide, we’ll reveal our go-to bike storage solutions, as well as other indoor bike storage ideas.

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Posted in Business, Self storage, SME

In safe hands

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Business Focus Magazine interview with our CEO Kevin Prince A very informative and in-depth article from the Business Focus Magazine, interviewing our CEO Kevin Prince about Space Station’s history and future growth plans.  Read full interview pdf With huge thanks to the following partners who have helped us on our growth path so far and whom we look forward to working with in the future. KuboidEurope’s premier self storage design & construction company.EDG securityProviding electronic Fire and Security services.3verestManaged cloud for business & healthcare.Templewood recruitmentA leading, independent recruitment consultancy.

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Posted in Self storage

Showcase your quirky pet spaces for the chance to win a fantastic prize

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We’re calling on all pet owners to showcase their creative flair and share some photos of how they have converted their unused space at home into a quirky living area for their pet. Be that a comfy sleeping area for your dog under the stairs or an entire spare bedroom decked out for your cats, we’re interested to see the best waysnpet owners have adapted even the smallest spaces at home specifically for the use of their furry friends. By entering our competition, you’ll be in with a chance of winning a £100 Love2Shop voucher, which will be perfect for spoiling you and your pets. To enter the competition, please submit your best photo by using the link below, good luck!

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